Purpose-Full Ministries
Purpose-Full Ministries
Discover the Power of Purpose in Your Life
Discover the Power of Purpose in Your Life

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Sabbath Sunset Schedule

Place: Dallas, TX

Start: 05:20 PM, 01/24/2025

End: 05:21 PM, 01/25/2025

With a view towards eternity, Purpose-Full Ministries, Inc., is dedicated to encouraging and equipping individuals to discover and pursue their God-given purpose in life.

Purpose-Full Ministries Inc., a non-profit Christian ministry founded in 2004, is dedicated to encouraging and equipping individuals to discover and pursue their God-given purpose in life. With this end in mind, we seek to inform and inspire through a variety of formats, including but not limited to—
Seminars and conferences, tailored for youth and adults
Consulting, coaching, and prayer support
Concerts and musical recordings
Radio and television productions
An interactive website
Instructional materials such as articles, books, workbooks, individual surveys and profiles, CD's and DVD's
An inspirational product line
Children's materials
Purpose-Full Ministries is the “umbrella” for all of these services, products and much more. Our primary objective is to introduce people to Jesus Christ as well as lead them into a deeper relationship with Him. It is our fervent belief that God reveals His purposes for individuals as they sincerely seek to fulfill His will in their lives (see Jeremiah 29:11).
We envision this ministry serving as a catalyst in the transformation of people’s lives, leading many from living “quiet lives of desperation”, as poet Henry David Thoreau once wrote, to living Christ-centered, Kingdom-directed lives of purpose. Through our multifaceted outreach, we hope to meet people of all ages where they are in life. 
We believe with author Os Guinness that “finding and fulfilling the purpose of our lives comes up in myriad ways and in all the seasons of our lives”, that—
“Teenagers feel it as the world of freedom beyond home and secondary school beckons with a dizzying range of choices…
  Those in their early thirties know it when their daily work assumes its own brute reality beyond their earlier considerations of the wishes of their parents, the fashions of their peers, and the allure of salary and career prospects. 
   People in midlife face it when a mismatch between their gifts and work reminds them daily that they are square pegs in round holes. Can they see themselves ‘doing that’ for the rest of their lives? 
People in their forties and fifties with enormous success suddenly come up against it when their accomplishments raise questions concerning the social responsibility of their success and, deeper still, the purpose of their lives…
Those in their later years often face it again. What does life add up to? Were their successes real, and were they worth the trade-offs? Having gained a whole world, however huge or tiny, have we sold our souls cheaply and missed the point of it all? As Walker Percy wrote, ‘You can get all A’s and still flunk life.’”*
 We see hundreds of young people who, after being inspired by some aspect of this ministry, commit themselves to seeking and fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives. We see them entering an array of vocations with a sense of purpose and determination, many of whom will become leaders in their respective fields. We see them—whether single or married—being committed to a virtuous lifestyle and the Biblical pattern for marriage and family. We see them becoming active participants in the affairs of their communities, so that generations younger than them might benefit from their example.
Recognizing that the discovery of one’s life purpose is not a scientific product but rather a Spirit-led process, we will endeavor to come alongside individuals and organizations, “coaching” them on, all with the view towards maximizing the fruitfulness of the individual or organization. We understand the power that prayer has to unlock the “mysteries of the Kingdom,” so that the minds of men and women can be opened to God’s specific counsels. Therefore, we will also endeavor to cover our consulting efforts with prayer, believing that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).
Our concerts will be times of Spirit-filled worship and praise. We believe strongly in the power of music to inspire and uplift, as the truth of God’s Word makes it way from the head to the heart. Through the ministry of music, we see hearts being won to God and souls saved for His Kingdom.
We understand the power of the media to impact a person’s thinking, whether for good or evil. Through radio and television interviews and productions, we see the power of God-given purpose being expressed in a clear, convicting manner, prompting individuals to turn to God and seek His purpose for their lives. We desire that our website serve not only as an “address” for the ministry, but also as an informational, inspirational and interactive tool to help foster the process of purpose-full discovery.
Realizing the value of educational tools in the discovery process, we will endeavor to provide an array of articles, books, workbooks, CD’s and DVD’s. The use of surveys and individual profiles, too, will be utilized. God has designed each of us with certain innate abilities and gifts, for “we are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). We believe, therefore, that it is vitally important that an individual take inventory of his or her own gifts and abilities, believing that “if he can so analyze his personal gifts and station in life—see with unclouded vision the circumstances, the conditions, and the complications that belong to and surround him in his associations and relations to others, or to the world—and learn to discern the will of God as it teaches him what he is and for what he ought to live, he will indeed have taken a great step forward.”**
We desire to develop an inspirational product line that will express, succinctly, the essence of purpose-full living and serve as a motivational tool. We envision this product line including items such as pens, coffee mugs, baseball caps, T-shirts and polo shirts, backpacks, and much more.
Because learning begins at the earliest stages of life, we will endeavor to develop an entire line of children’s products, using age-appropriate materials to convey the timeless principles of God’s love, redemption and purposes for mankind. We will seek to make these materials as interactive as possible, employing as many of the senses as can be used to maximize the learning process. We see mothers (and fathers) reading our children’s books to their yet unborn babies.
We see parents of varying cultures using our children’s materials to supplement the devotional materials used during their family worship times. We see schools and/or children’s groups, where possible, featuring our materials as part of their curriculum or instructional methodology. Our ultimate hope is that generations of children will grow up with a God-implanted seed in their minds that He loves them supremely, is preparing a place for them in Heaven, and has a divinely-arranged plan for their lives, in order that they might “occupy” the earth according to His purposes until He comes.
In conclusion, we believe that “deep in our hearts, we all want to find and fulfill a purpose bigger than ourselves,” that “only such a larger purpose can inspire us to heights we know we could never reach on our own.”*  As author Carlyle B. Haynes wrote, “Such a discovery saves a man much fretting and disappointment and waste of time—to come early in life to an understanding of what he is to do, what it is he is fitted to accomplish, and exactly what work he is to be about.”*  It is our settled conviction that, for all of those who are fortunate to receive and act upon this profound revelation, a purpose-full life awaits them.


*Excerpts taken from the book, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life, by Os Guinness. (Nashville: Word Publishing, 1998), pp. 2-3.
**Excerpts taken from the book, God Sent A Man, by Carlyle B. Haynes. (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1962), p. 26. Emphasis supplied.

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